Oracle Rdb Developer Tools for Visual Studio questions & answers

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Question by durgardb
June 25, 2015

How to resize storage area because my table is very big now and table is without index.
While doing:

  • truncate
  • drop/create storage area
  • dorp/create storage map

I found the error:

SQL> truncate table xxxxxxxx;
%RDB-E-LOCK_CONFLICT, request failed due to locked resource
-RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed
-RDMS-F-TIMEOUT, timeout on client '........TRAN' 4E415254000000920000000400000055
-COSI-W-CANCEL, operation canceled

I need help while using truncation, drop/adding storage area, drop/adding storage map.

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

When you encounter the following message: "%RDB-E-LOCK_CONFLICT, request failed due to locked resource", it means that the table is currently used by another use. You need to use the CANCEL on the FSEDIT and then repeat the procedure.

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